Day 17 Recap

Posted by Justin Popovic | 7:12 PM

WOW...First thing I want to comment on about today was the degree of difficulty of my workout. I did my standard weight lifting/cardio split. I do the stairmaster at high intensity for 15 minutes. I did the exact same speed as many other workouts but for some reason, I could barely finish today. I was completely exhausted at the end.

Also, I usually leave the gym with a renewed feeling of energy. Tonight, it was not the case. I think it is a very obvious signal from my body that I need more rest tonight. And I am listening. I am actually going to bed for 11pm which is the earliest bed time in recent memory. I think a good 8 hour night sleep will help me have a much more productive day tomorrow.

On that note, I completed a 5000+ word document in record time this week as a result of my renewed focus on staying concentrated. In the past, the same document would have taken me over a week to write. It also helps that I am getting much more comfortable in my profession and I am more confident than ever in my capabilities as a coach and motivator.

My colleague and good friend Ted has also been putting in crazy hours to get our latest version of released. We are planning to have the entire thing completed by Friday of this week. The latest version is the result of months of study, research, planning and implementation. We are very excited and we are confident that our subscribers AND new visitors will love it.

We both honestly believe in our hearts that Ignite Your Essence can help anyone and everyone looking to improve the results in their life through personal development. The latest release of the website will make it very clear that we are here to stay!

As for the 90 Day Challenge, I am still as committed as I was on Day 1 and I am definitely noticing the ease at which I am adapting to this new lifestyle. I'm looking forward to documenting more of my progress as the days go by.

This is justin popovic signing off!