Day 24 Recap

Posted by Justin Popovic | 6:57 PM

I always like to focus on the positive in every situation so I will start by celebrating the successful launch of the NEW version.

It was a huge job but well worth it. Much more information to attract people to the site and much more value for our visitors. The perfect win-win situation. We also got an exciting newsletter out to our subscribers which was about 2 weeks overdue.

So, from a business perspective, it was a good day.

At the same time, to be completely honest, today was also very challenging. I was up much of the night again working and then with Thomas as he was still not feeling well. In fact, we found out today that he has hand,foot and mouth virus! Sounds worse than it is actually - apparently its quite common for kids. Still, it has been tough on him and when he is not feeling well, its emotionally stressful for us parents. I ended up delaying many of my business committments today so I could just spend time with Thomas and keep his mind off how crappy he felt.
According to the doctor his mouth will be in a lot of pain along with some headaches. I'm pretty sure that is what he was experiencing because he barely ate and eating is usually NOOOO problem for him, haha!

I also missed our chocolate presentation that my wife and I were conducting tonight because I wanted to be home with Thomas and make sure he got to sleep okay.

(We are distributors for a healthy chocolate called XOCAI. Our site is The good news is we had our biggest turnout yet and a number of new partners enrolled in the business to work with us tonight!)

I acquired some kind of strange sinus pain after my late night jog last night. The air was cold but not cold enough to have caused sinus damage. I'm not sure what the issue is, all I know is ... IT HURTS!!

At any rate, after a long day I finally got Thomas to bed and went down to the basement for a 20 minute power workout. I was able to do a full arm and ab workout. It was scaled down from my normal routine and probably the least strenuous workout since I started this 90 day program...BUT nevertheless, I stuck to my goal and it felt great to do so.

The fatigue has definitely caught up with me so I am calling it a night early tonight. All in all, I am very happy with my day and although it was challenging, I still 'feel' very positive and have lots of things to be grateful for.

See you on day 25